Goodbye for now – leaving beautiful Pilon.
There’s just no place like home.
In the middle of a magnificent color display popping all across the LA basin, our plane landed at LAX on the evening of the Glorious Fourth! In spite of its many foibles, the good ol’ USA is a wonderful place to be. Although a large part of our hearts remains deep in southwest Costa Rica, we are grateful to have returned to our community of loved ones in Southern California. So far the transition has been smoother than expected. We (Chris, Tiffany and Landon) are currently staying with dear friends, the Lowes, who are graciously sharing their home in Dana Point with us, and we have been so blessed to dive into fellowship with many of you already.

Still trying to leave beautiful Pilon.

Street ministry

A healed back!

500 worshipers

Work day
The last outreach included an invitation to minister in the largest church we’ve visited to date, with over 500 attendants (and fantastic air conditioning!). It marked the 25th church in which we’ve ministered this year and the service was very similar to that of most US churches. It was humbling and exciting to see Holy Spirit bring accurate prophetic words, salvations and numerous healings in this church which responded wholeheartedly in worship.

Hay poder!

Church ministry

School ministry

Street ministry
As a family, we are moving into a season of stabilizing and shifting, trying to find a place to sink our roots even as our kids come and go. Jarren has plans to relocate from Seattle to a flight school in Arizona or SoCal in the Fall in order to continue his pilot’s training. At the end of July, Kylie will be returning from Redding to Southern California where she plans to live, work and minister. Alyssa will also be returning from Arizona at the end of July, only to be packing up again to attend Westmont College in late August. Landon is happily enjoying reconnecting with friends here in San Clemente and is thankful to be enjoying a Southern California summer! Meanwhile, our hunt for a home continues, and we are most grateful for your prayers to that end.

These common sand crabs were probably the inspiration for the colors of the flag of the Second Spanish Republic, and can be used as flags when flattened by cars.

The kid between Jeffrey and Chris had just asked Jeffrey for the phone number of his 12 year old daughter!

Well done, Nesbitt Fam! 🙂 and Welcome back! So very proud of you all for counting the cost and stepping into the stream of LIFE in CR this past year. Hope to see you in the OC this summer, Lord willing. We send our love, hugs, and prayers XO <
Thank you, Wallers! Can’t wait to hear what the Lord is doing in your lives, too.
So love reading your updates!! Welcome back and praying you find a house sooooon! I think I’d like a “crab flag” for my car! Love and Blessings, kat
Thanks Kat!
OK guys–When are you travelling East? We miss all of you!! Welcome back to the good ole USA and frequent air-conditioning sites!! Hope to catch up soon. What is the best phone number? Love you guys–The Stavros Family
No plans yet for Florida, but we’d love to see the incredible Stavros family! Same contact info as always. Love!