We’re Chris and Tiffany Nesbitt, and we’re delighted that you’re here!
This site is meant to quickly and simply convey the ministries in which we currently serve. Along the way, we’ll share a few highlights of our story, which begins long before we met and married, and hopefully continues long after we’re gone.
Have a look around, and if you see something that particularly interests you, let us know! We’re always amazed at the unique ways the Lord brings His people together, so it would not surprise us if our paths converge at some point, for His purpose and glory!
In the meantime, we’ll start with our roots.
Both of us were born into ministry-minded families. Chris’ folks are first-generation believers and pastors who reshaped their family tree through their compelling faith in Jesus. Tiffany comes from line of pastors and evangelists that reaches back 4 and 5 generations…

Fall 2024
Equipping pastoral leaders in Tecpan, Guatemala, October 2024Pastoral marriage conference, San...
Spring 2024
Diane Elaine Nesbitt - 1941 - 2024Full of joy to the end!Outreach trip this coming June in Costa...
Fall 2023
Our first gala event for CANOPI on Sep 30 2023Register for the webinar hereAmy shares at CANOPI...

NewSong is collective of microchurches founded by Chris and Tiffany in 2020 and committed to outreach, discipleship and worshiping Jesus extravagantly. The podcast features Biblical rhema words from the Nesbitts and other gifted teachers.

CANOPI (formerly CRSSM) is a nonprofit organization pursuing Kingdom expansion in Latin America. Co-founded by the Nesbitts in 2015, God has used CANOPI to cultivate a network of hundreds of pastors, establish successful training conferences and host dozens of outreach missions teams from around the world.

The Prophetic Collective is a place for those who passionately pursue Jesus to build a prophetic community which extends beyond the walls of individual churches. Co-founded by Tiffany in 2021, the ministry seeks to encourage and exhort the Body of Christ while providing a safe place to courageously practice the gift of prophecy. It seeks to help forge the character of emerging prophets and provide support and accountability in the journey.
“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Subscribe to Streamroots, read blogs from Tiffany Nesbitt, learn about Bless Bible study and order the study for your church or small group, hear about upcoming books and resources from Tiffany, and more.
What began as Tiffany’s blog in 2013 has expanded into the publishing home for all her written works, such as Bless women’s Bible study, as well as books from other authors.
Worship Music
Chris Nesbitt’s worship music has been sung in churches around the globe for over 20 years. As a recording artist and psalmist, he writes songs with the express purpose of exalting Jesus and moving the Bride into greater intimacy.

Join the Family
Our quarterly newsletters provide bullet-point updates for those on the go, and picture-packed details for those who want to hear it all.
Partner with us
Thank you for making it possible for us to commit all our time and energy to building up the Kingdom in Central America and in the US!
Get in Touch
If you have a question, an answer, a word of encouragement or are in need of one yourself, we'd love to hear from you!