Kylie and Eric’s engagement!

Thanksgiving 2018

Celebrating on Kauai!

We visited this same restaurant 30 years ago on our honeymoon.

Enjoying the views in Cape Town

Worship at the JoshGen ladies event

Speaking at Sunningdale

A vibrant community of worshipers!
Happy Spring!
While most of the nation has faced an intense winter season, Southern California has been blessed with 6 inches of rain more than the average and is officially drought-free for the first time in seven years. The landscape is becoming greener by the day, while the annual migration of millions of “painted ladies” butterflies is more noticeable than ever, as spring has begun to arrive.
Here are a few notable highlights from our tribe, as well as some upcoming personal and ministry events.
We’re thrilled to announce that our daughter, Kylene, will be wed to Eric Nelson on April 13! The happy couple was engaged on October 27 and have been in non-stop planning mode since then, preparing for a destination wedding in the central coast of California. Alyssa moved home temporarily in January to be near her sister during her planning season and will be returning to work and school in Santa Barbara on the first of May. Landon will wrap up his freshman year at Grand Canyon University in a few short weeks, and he looks forward to working in San Clemente over the summer. Jarren is on the verge of completing his highly anticipated flight instructor’s certification, and will begin flight instruction in May, working towards logging the hours he needs to be hired as a commercial/corporate pilot. Kate continues as an interior design assistant in Phoenix, and she and Jarren are enjoying their second year of marriage.
In the throes of Kylie’s pre-wedding prep, April will also mark our own matrimonial milestone. Five days before our daughter’s wedding, we will celebrate our 30th anniversary! We are so thankful for the blessing which the Lord provided of an early celebration in Kauai last October, as we returned for the first time to the island in which we honeymooned as newlyweds.
We’ve recently returned from a whirlwind, two-week trip to South Africa in response to an invitation from Lon and Ann Margaret Whelan to minister in Cape Town. JoshGen is a community of 24 congregations in the greater Cape Town area, and we were blessed with the opportunity to visit several of those congregations during our time there. We traveled as a team of six (pictured above), which included both of our daughters and two of their closest friends, Veronica Coverson and Ryann Whelan, and we were incredibly grateful for their sensitive and powerful co-laboring with us. In addition to leading a couples’ retreat together, Tiffany taught at a one-day gathering for women and Chris spoke at two different congregations. The team also led worship on many occasions and ministered at the JoshGen school of ministry. One of our highlights, however, was visiting the largest township in South Africa, Khayelitsha. We were privileged to minister prophetically to the servants who daily care for the needy within this poverty stricken township. We are so grateful for the opportunity to visit this beautiful nation, and we learned a great deal from the community of JoshGen, a vibrant group of Jesus lovers who opened their homes and hearts to us, truly demonstrating New Testament Christianity in a powerful way.
Our next ministry trip will be in late May, when we’ll lead a team of 12 to Costa Rica for 10 days. One of the reasons we anticipate these trips is the privilege we have of encouraging believers to take greater risks for Jesus! As we pour out His love, we witness physical healings, deliverances and prophetic words which lead to salvation, restored hearts and reconciled relationships. It’s an exciting time for us as a team as He increases our faith in His supernatural power manifested in hospitals and schools, on the streets and in churches. Please pray for safety, unity and anointing for our team as we prepare to share the love of Jesus with the people of Costa Rica.
Meanwhile, we continue to learn and grow through our counseling/mentoring ministry, worship pastoring and women’s ministry involvement, all of which are bearing fruit for the Kingdom. We greatly appreciate your prayers for strength, sustenance and consistent intimacy for us with the Father, as a full schedule keeps us constantly on the go. Jesus is our source, and apart from Him we can accomplish nothing of eternal value. Your prayers are a vital component of our ministry!
Beloved, we’re so very grateful for your continued love, friendship, prayers and support. Thank you for journeying in faith with us!

Ministry time following the women’s event

60+ couples attended the JoshGen marriage retreat

Worship at Stellenbosch

Alyssa brings a word to ministry school students

Our team brought prophetic words for each couple attending the retreat

Tiffany shares at JoshGen ladies event

Worship at Sunningdale

Awesome report. Congratulations your family n all that the Holy Spirit is doing in their lives. What a blessing to spend time in Cape Town with JoshGen n ministering to the saints there. I love you guys n loved reading what is happening in your lives. Thank you for keeping me in the loop🤗
Miss you, Lexie!
I will pray that the Lord will guide and direct you in exciting days ahead. May Jesus illuminate You and Invigorate your Walk- Congratulations on all the fabulous and amazing happenings within your families lives! So Good to Hear About! Your newsletters make me feel a part of what it is you are doing- I will continue to pray for you! Love you and pray blessings on all you Do!
So grateful for your prayers, Brenda — we need it… Bless you, sister!