SC House church

Beach baptism

Steve’s life-threatening accident drew worldwide prayers

Our granddaughter Samantha!
(Above: San Clemente House Church)
Startled. Shocked. Appalled.
These emotions perfectly describe our response upon realizing that our last newsletter was sent over eight months ago!
Please forgive our lack of timely communication. Our only excuse is that of having had our hand to the plow, so to speak. The last eight months have rushed past us in a whirlwind of activity, in spite of our state’s governor-mandated lockdown/release/lockdown/release/??? orders. God is moving! And we are thrilled to be positioned to catch the wave of His Spirit as He releases the waters of revival all across our land.
Through last Fall and continuing into Spring of 2021, we’ve been in a season of vision casting, building and expanding for the collective of house churches in Southern California called Newsong. Now a group of 4 house churches in Santa Barbara and Orange County, we are amazed, humbled and blessed beyond words to work alongside such a powerful group of leaders — Kingdom builders, every one of them! The growth process in our team and our own lives has been both painful and joyful. However, the fruit has been abundant in the lives of these incredible men and women who have given Jesus their simple yes.
A recent example would be this precious couple — Liz and Jora Bhullar. They’ve had their hands to the plow in Santa Barbara for years through a ministry Jora directs called SB House of Prayer, and have now come alongside Olive House as pastors. We’re so grateful for their loving leadership and all that they bring to NewSong.
The priority for the Newsong house churches is two-fold: to minister to Jesus lavishly whenever we gather, and to disciple the lost unto salvation. We are convinced that the result of these two goals will inevitably be the transformation of cultures and nations for the sake of the Kingdom, exalting Jesus and bringing Him great glory. In that effort, we were thrilled to recently receive reports from three separate visitors with similar reactions: “Wow, you guys REALLY love Jesus!” Please pray that the Lord will be glorified through our tiny band of Jesus lovers!
Because the nation of Costa Rica was closed for much of 2020, our pastors’ conference and all our short-term outreach trips were canceled for the entire year. So far, 2021 is looking slightly more promising: we currently have a pastors’ conference scheduled for late June in San Jose, along with an outreach planned for September in Pilon de Pavones. Please pray for wisdom and resources as we move forward with our goals to minister in this beloved nation. Please also pray for continued healing for our ministry partner in Costa Rica, Steve Hertzog. Steve was badly injured in a surfing accident on Easter Sunday and was eventually transported via air ambulance to the U.S. We’re grateful to report Steve is recovering well and bringing much laughter to the staff at his hospital.
On the homefront, the Nesbitt family has added to its ranks! Our first granddaughter, Samantha Diane Nesbitt, entered the world on October 23, 2020. Jarren and Kate have experienced all of the joys and challenges of transitioning into parenthood and have been thrilled to welcome little Sammy into their home. Our second granddaughter, Elora Wynne Nelson, was born on February 5, 2021. Kylie and Eric are settling into a new normal and are loving being parents to their sweet girl. We are so thankful for these precious little ones who have added so much joy to our lives!
After experiencing the miraculous provision of the Lord for her to complete her education at Westmont College, Alyssa will be graduating May 8 with a Bachelor’s degree in Communications! We are delighted for her and so proud of her tenacity and determination. Speaking of education, Landon is heading back to school after taking a couple of years to focus on working. He will be studying political science at Liberty University in Virginia beginning this August, and he has a great sense of excitement about what the Lord wants to accomplish in this new season of his life.
Lastly, Chris continues to work part-time for Paul LaRue’s startup company, Life Giving Warmth, providing marketing and administrative assistance for this innovative business. We’re so grateful for the provision and flexibility this job affords us as we focus the greater part of our time and efforts on building the Kingdom.
Reflecting on the last 8 months, we can’t stop thinking about how grateful we are for you. Thank you for believing in us, forgiving us, encouraging us, praying for us, being patient with us, partnering with us and loving us.
Prayer requests:
- Wisdom as we steward the expansion the Lord is bringing to NewSong.
- Boldness as we pursue the lost in each region and raise up leaders.
- Divine guidance regarding marketplace work vs full-time ministry.
- Favor on our upcoming pastoral conference in Costa Rica.
Practical needs:
- Multimedia talents, including photographers and videographers, for our upcoming pastors conference in Costa Rica.
- Rest. (We’re sure you can relate!)

Consecration weekend

Housechurch worship!

An outpouring of love brought Steve to a US hospital.

Praise God for all He is doing in your midst! We have a new granddaughter as well, Ashlynn Ilse Switzer born to Dan and Jerolyn on 5/20/2020. Joy indescribable! May His joy be your strength! May He continue to pour out upon you as you lift Him up. Matthew 6:33 Praying for your family as you minister to Him.
David, congratulations on Ashlynn! So grateful for your encouragement and prayers, brother!