our team during the hottest day of this trip

prophetic prayer with Eric Nelson near the border town

HS targets gringo Lou, who returns to Jesus during our street ministry!

worship in San Martin

our amazing interpreters, Mark, Nadine and Jacque

Kate says YES!
The so-called lazy days of summer have finally arrived, and we are moving at a full-throttle pace here in the Nesbitt household. This summer is shaping up to be filled with short-term ministry, long-term projects, and a continued investment in our local body, as well as some sweet days of much-needed summer fellowship.
Costa Rica Update
We are so grateful for your prayers for our trip to southwest Costa Rica this past April. We traveled with a team from Heritage and were blessed to see the Lord’s hand powerfully move! Our team ministered on the streets of the beach town of Pavones, as well as in 4 local churches and an elementary school. During the ministry events, we were privileged to see Jesus heal in numerous ways, including:
- Two men with back problems were healed.
- A tumor disappeared from a woman’s shoulder.
- A stroke victim’s movement was restored.
- Abdominal hernias, chronic hip pain, headaches and stomach problems, all gone!
. . . And these reports were from just one evening! Please visit the CRSSM Facebook page to read more testimonies and see more pictures of the trip.
We are excited to be returning to Costa Rica in mid-July for our upcoming pastors’ conference. Last September we were convinced that our base had reached maximum capacity in hosting 50 pastors; we now have nearly 70 pastors registered for this upcoming event! These conferences are fruitful times of teaching and serving but can feel overwhelmingly full. We would be most grateful for your prayer support as we go.
Ministry at Home
Chris is now three months into the worship pastor responsibilities at Heritage, where he has been working to build a greater sense of community within the worship team while encouraging the congregation to go deeper in corporate worship. The position continues to align itself with Chris’ expectation for what the Lord is about to bring to the Body of Christ locally here in South Orange County.
Tiffany is in the process of developing a women’s Bible study based on Psalm 103 which has been an all-consuming effort over the past few months. Her summer will be full with the task of completing the project, and she would so appreciate your prayer covering. We look forward to relating more details about this in the near future.
We continue to frequently share teaching opportunities both in a small group and corporate setting, and we’re blessed to see the fruit from those occasions. We’re also continuing to average approximately 25 hours a month in counseling and life-coaching, a joy for both of us!
Family News
Jarren is engaged! He and his fiancée, Kate Dedo, have plans to be married sometime this fall, and we couldn’t be happier — she is a delight in every way. They’re both living in Phoenix while planning for the big day: Jarren is finishing his commercial pilot training, and Kate is living across the valley, working in a foster care home. We’re eager to see the two of them start a life together and are thrilled to be gaining such a lovely daughter.
Kylene returns from her internship in Paris this week where she has been working alongside Donna and Didier Heslon, missionaries serving in France with Agape, a division of Cru. She has plans to launch a fledgling photography business soon after returning to the States.
Alyssa is home for the summer and is working full-time at a Christian day camp for elementary students. Although she will not be returning to Westmont in the fall, she hopes to be able to attend Santa Barbara City College so that she might continue her education and stay connected with her Westmont community.
Landon is enjoying the summer between his junior and senior year and has plans to stick close to home, working full time. He’ll also be focusing on preparation for his role as the Spiritual Life prefect this next year at CVCS, a responsibility he’s very eager to tackle.
We’ve recently experienced a significant loss in our income (nearly 20%) and would be grateful for your prayers as we navigate the next steps. God has provided for every need during each step of this journey — ever since we launched into full-time ministry — and we’re more confident than ever in His provision.
We pray that your family has a restful and refreshing summer season. Thank you for continuing to keep us in your prayers as we sow into the Kingdom here in Southern California as well as in Costa Rica and wherever the Lord may call us!

Tiffany teaches in Bella Luz, CR

playing with kids from Rio Claro elementary school

ministering in Paso Canoas

worship in Bella Luz

Jesus heals this woman’s neck!