Diane Elaine Nesbitt – 1941 – 2024
Full of joy to the end!
Outreach trip this coming June in Costa Rica
Pastor’s conference this coming fall in Tecpán Guatemala
The bus that hit pastor Eric’s car
Mike and Ana Hicks (left)
Pastor Minor in Costa Rica is our newest housechurch leader
Pastor Minor’s new microchurch is meeting in a body shop
A Newsong couple gets wedded by Mike Hicks in Tucson
Tiffany’s new book release!
New worship album coming soon!
On February 23, 2024, Diane Nesbitt peacefully stepped out of our lives and into an infinite face-to-face relationship with her loving Lord Jesus. Not even a decade of Alzheimer’s dementia could rob her of her joyous countenance and contagious laughter. The first believer in our family tree, she sowed the faith seed that yielded salvation for every family member across multiple generations.
Thank you for your prayers and expressions of love during this time of loss. We will keep you informed as we plan for a celebration suitable for such an amazing woman.
Because of the generous response to our fundraising efforts last fall, CANOPI is expanding! We will be bringing a pastors’ conference to central Mexico this fall, as well as holding conferences in Costa Rica (June) and Guatemala (October). We’ll also be hosting an outreach team in Costa Rica in late June, and we are currently training that team for ministry. Please pray that the Lord will be glorified through the expansion of His Kingdom in each of these efforts!
We’re also praising Jesus for major healing miracles which He has recently brought in Costa Rica. In just the past two months, Pastor Eric has seen lame feet, prostate cancer, and leukemia all healed. We’re rejoicing in the Lord’s great goodness! At the same time, we’ve also experience significant resistance from the enemy, including Pastor Eric’s car being hit by a bus. Please pray for protection and provision for our front-line missionaries.
As CANOPI continues to receive invitations from other Central American nations, we’re asking the Lord to expand our team exponentially. If you’re interested in serving with us, visit our job listings page here. You’re also invited to check out CANOPI’s new videos, including outreach testimonies, pastoral testimonies, healing testimonies, and our promo video. If you’d like to learn more about CANOPI, watch our recorded webinar here or download PDF brochures here.
NewSong News
God continues to bring unexpected expansion to Newsong! A new house church has recently been birthed in Tucson, led by Mike and Ana Hicks. We were blessed to be part of their inauguration in late November and humbled to witness their heart for outreach. Their young church has already seen numerous people commit their lives to the Lord, be baptized, and filled with the Holy Spirit! Because Newsong’s model includes meeting collectively once per month, we also attended Tucson’s first collective in February. Experiencing the two house churches coming together to worship the Lord with abandon was a huge joy for our hearts.
Our annual Newsong leaders’ retreat was in February, and it proved yet again to be one of our favorite events of the year. Seventeen gents and ladies (and one cutie-pie baby boy) gathered near Temecula to share a weekend of worship, building one another up, and deepening relationships. We couldn’t be more proud of each of these leaders and their unqualified yes to Jesus, and we are honored to run alongside them.
The latest addition to the Newsong churches is in Costa Rica! Led by Pastor Minor, this group of believers meets in an auto body shop near San Carlos, due to the fact that it is illegal for churches to meet in homes in Costa Rica. As this is the first Spanish speaking church to join our family, we translated our leadership training course into Spanish to raise up an army of Latino harvest workers. Take a listen here.
Book Publishing News
It’s finally here! Tiffany’s newest book, Into the Wilderness, was released in March. Based on the second chapter of Hosea, Tiffany boldly shares with women the message that the heat of our desert seasons is no match for the passionate wooing of our Savior. We are blown away by the encouragement which we’ve received from women across the country whose lives have been touched by this book. To learn more, read a post, watch an interview or purchase a copy. If you already own a copy, we’d be so grateful if you would take a minute to review it here.
Ladies, Tiffany will be hosting an official book signing event this Friday, April 12th, from 7-9pm in San Clemente, California. If you are local, she would love for you to join her! Email us at info@tiffanynesbitt.com for more information. If you’re outside of Southern California, you can join the live stream on Instagram: @tiffanynesbitt.page
For those who want to dive deeper into the topics discussed within Into the Wilderness, the accompanying study guide will be released later in April. Perfect for either personal reflection or leading a small group study, the guide is filled with rich insights into the Word as well as activities to enable women to encounter the heart of Jesus.
Also in the works is the audiobook version of Into the Wilderness. We’ll be sure to inform you when the study guide and audiobook are released.
Music Publishing News
Chris is just a couple weeks away from releasing a new worship album! We’re excited to share with you soon the details of this unique project, especially since it marks his first worship release since Liquid Worship in 2007. Look for it coming soon!
Ways that you can help:
- Please consider prayerfully partnering with CANOPI.
- Provide for the needs of Pastor Eric in Costa Rica.
- If you feel called to ministry but are unsure as to how/where to serve, we would love to chat with you.
- Purchase Tiffany’s new book and spread the word.
- Partner with us personally.
Prayer requests:
- Pray for our family and all of those experiencing the grief of the loss of Chris’ precious mom, Diane.
- Pray for us as we prepare to minister to pastors throughout Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Mexico.
- Pray for provision for Pastor Eric.
- Pray for a campus property for CANOPI’s ministry school.
- Pray for NewSong’s pastors and newly added house church leaders.
- Pray for an increase of harvest workers.
Chris’ dad led 16 family members in a spontaneous memorial
Pastor’s Conference this coming June in Santa Clara, Costa Rica
Pastor’s Conference this coming fall in Iguala Mexico
This man walked with a limp before God healed him!
Tucson’s first collective!
Salvation in Dana Point!
Idaho baptisms!
Newsong leaders’ retreat in February was an amazing highlight
Tucson baptisms!
Chris taught on New Testament church at the leaders’ retreat
There’s even an “Into the Wilderness” hoodie!
Hello Chris & Tiffany,
I didn’t know Diane well, but all you had to do is talk to her, & you could feel her loving
spirit!!!! Special Angel of a lady!!
It has been such a blessing to be in Bible Study with Carolynn, & get to have her as my friend!!!
I love her!
Also, to become friends with Kylie & Eric!! & their Beautiful Babies! Kylie is like a vision
of you Tiffany, so full of love & joy!!!! They are the most special couple!!!! Carolynn is a vision of Diane, an Angel with tons of love also! I am so grateful to have these 3 in my life!!!! Thanks to God!!!
Thank you so much, Barbara!
Fully enjoyed reading & seeing everything in this newsletter.
Well done.
SO much going on! Congrats to TIFF on the new book – And a new album from Chris too!
I am praying for the prayer needs you posted. Expect great things!
Thank you, brother! It’s an exciting season in your life as well… praying for you.