Revival Fires Ignited

Revival Fires Ignited

Tiffany teaches on prophecy Ministry to Pastoras Amazing times of worship In CR Sunset just before worship As we transition into the muted colors and crisp skies of autumn, our family is reminded of how often God’s hand in nature reflects the work which He is...
Coming Home

Coming Home

Goodbye for now – leaving beautiful Pilon. There’s just no place like home. In the middle of a magnificent color display popping all across the LA basin, our plane landed at LAX on the evening of the Glorious Fourth! In spite of its many foibles, the good ol’ USA is a...
The Final Stretch

The Final Stretch

Annie, Simons and Nesbitts hiking to waterfalls near Quepos. Saludos from Pilon de Pavones! We are well into our fifth month of living in the tiny fishing village of Pilon, tucked away in the southwestern corner of Costa Rica.  Believe it or not, we’re beginning to...
Critical Mass

Critical Mass

Greetings, loved ones! We are now in the fourth month of our Costa Rican journey, and each day God continues to take us deeper into His incredible love, power and promises.  The past month has not been without its challenges; however, we have continued to see the...
Jumpin’ In

Jumpin’ In

As of this week we’ve hit the two-month mark, and it’s scurried by muy rapido! Our adopted home is at last losing a bit of its foreign feel, and we are settling into a semi-normal routine which includes the distinctions of time at home and time involved in...